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The HumdrumFileBase class manages data conversions for the humlib library.


HumdrumFileBase Public functions

HumdrumFileBase — HumdrumFileBase constructor.
append — Add a line to the file's contents.
createLinesFromTokens — Generate Humdrum lines strings from the stored list of tokens.
getLineCount — Returns the number of lines.
getMaxTrack — Returns the number of primary spines in the data.
getParseError — Return parse fail reason.
getPrimaryTrackSeq — Return a list of the given primary spine tokens for a given track (indexed starting at one and going through getMaxTrack().
getPrimaryTrackSequence — Return a list of the given primary spine tokens for a given track (indexed starting at one and going through getMaxTrack().
getSpineStartList — Return a list of the exclustive interpretations starting spines in the data.
getTrackEnd — Returns a pointer to the terminal manipulator token for the given track and subtrack.
getTrackEndCount — Return the number of ending tokens for the given track.
getTrackSeq — Extract a sequence of tokens for the given spine.
getTrackSequence — Extract a sequence of tokens for the given spine.
getTrackStart — Return the starting exclusive interpretation for the given track.
getXmlIdPrefix — Return the HumdrumXML ID attribute prefix.
isValid — Returns true if last read was successful.
operatorBRACKET — Access a Humdrum file line by and index.
printCSV — print Humdrum file content in CSV format.
printDataTypeInfo — Print the data type for all spines in the file (for debugging).
printSpineInfo — Print the spine information for all lines/tokens in file (for debugging).
printTrackInfo — Print the track numbers for all tokens in the file (for debugging).
read — Load file contents from an input stream or file.
readCSV — Read a Humdrum file in CSV format (rather than TSV format).
readString — Read contents from a string rather than an istream or filename.
readStringCSV — Reads Humdrum data in CSV format.
setNoisyParse — Display error messages on console when reading data.
setNoisyParsing — Display error messages on console when reading data.
setParseError — Set an error message from parsing input data.
setQuietParse — Prevent error messages from being displayed when reading data.
setQuietParsing — Prevent error messages from being displayed when reading data.
setXmlIdPrefix — Set the prefix for a HumdrumXML ID atrribute.
token — Return the token at the given line/field index.