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Extracting a list of notes and timings. Below is an example program that uses the humlib library to convert a Humdrum file into a MIDI-like listing of notes in the Humdrum score: ```cpp #include "humlib.h" using namespace std; using namespace Humdrum; void printNoteInformation(HumdrumFile& infile, int line, int field, int tpq) { int starttime = infile[line].getDurationFromStart(tpq).getInteger(); int duration = infile.token(line, field).getDuration(tpq).getInteger(); cout << Convert::kernToSciPitch(infile.token(line, field)) << '\t' << infile.token(line, field).getTrackString() << '\t' << starttime << '\t' << duration << endl; } int main(int argc, char** argv) { if (argc != 2) { return 1; } HumdrumFile infile; if (!infile.read(argv[1])) { return 1; } int tpq = infile.tpq(); cout << "TPQ: " << tpq << endl; cout << "PITCH\tTRACK\tSTART\tDURATION" << endl; for (int i=0; i<infile.getLineCount(); i++) { if (!infile[i].isData()) { continue; } for (int j=0; j<infile[i].getTokenCount(); j++) { if (infile.token(i, j).isNull()) { continue; } if (infile.token(i, j).isDataType("kern")) { printNoteInformation(infile, i, j, tpq); } } } return 0; } ``` Notice that all humlib code is placed into the humlib namespace. Test data for use with the above program: ![Example music](https://cdn.rawgit.com/craigsapp/humlib/gh-pages/images/hum2notelist.svg)
Example input:
**kern  **kern
*M3/4   *M3/4
8C      12d
.       12e
8B      .
.       12f
*       *^
4A      2g      4d
4G      .       4c
*       *v      *v
=       =
*-      *-
Example output:
TPQ: 6
C3      1       0       3
D4      2       0       2
E4      2       2       2
B3      1       3       3
F4      2       4       2
A3      1       6       6
G4      2.1     6       12
D4      2.2     6       6
G3      1       12      6
C4      2.2     12      6
</center> If you are using the humlib project directory, place programs into a subdirectory called `myprograms` and then to compile, go to the base directory of the humlib code and type `make myprogram` if the program is called `myprograms/myprogram.cpp`. The compiled program will be created as `bin/myprogram`.
Extracting spines/tracks (~parts) Here is another example showing one of the methods which can be used to extract data for a specific part out of the full-score arrangement of the HumdrumFile data: ```cpp #include "humlib.h" using namespace std; using namespace Humdrum; void printNoteInformation(HumdrumToken* tok, int tpq) { cout << *tok; if (tok->isNonNullData()) { cout << "\t->\t" << Convert::kernToSciPitch(*tok) << "\t" << tok->getTrackString() << "\t" << tok->getDurationFromStart(tpq).getInteger() << "\t" << tok->getDuration(tpq).getInteger(); } cout << endl; } int main(int argc, char** argv) { if (argc != 2) { return 1; } HumdrumFile infile; if (!infile.read(argv[1])) { return 1; } int tpq = infile.tpq(); cout << "TPQ: " << tpq << endl; cout << "ORIG\t\tPITCH\tTRACK\tSTART\tDURATION" << endl; // get the first token in the first spine: HumdrumToken* tok = infile.getTrackStart(1); // then iterate to the end of the spine: while (tok != NULL) { printNoteInformation(tok, tpq); tok = tok->getNextToken(); } return 0; } ``` This program should produce the following output given the example input: ``` TPQ: 6 ORIG PITCH TRACK START DURATION **kern *M4/4 8C -> C3 1 0 3 . 8B -> B3 1 3 3 . * 4A -> A3 1 6 6 4G -> G3 1 12 6 * = *- ```