Here are examples of how to access data in a Humdrum score using the
humlib classes:
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Read Humdrum data from a file, string or istream.
HumdrumFile infile;* filename); filename);
To read content from a char* or string:
infile.parse(stringstream content);
infile.parse(istream content);;
infile.parse(char* content);
infile.parse(string content);
See also the tutorial and the
reference manual for more details
about reading Humdrum data.
Data access
Access a particular token.
Access the token in the second field of the fourth line (`12e` in
the above example). This can be done in two ways: either address
the HumdrumLine by the [] operator of HumdrumFile and then the data
files with
HumdrumLine::token, or access
the HumdrumToken directly
from the
HumdrumFile::token function
directly from the
HumdrumFile class,
giving the line and field index as arguments.
infile[3].token(1); // 12e
infile.token(3, 1); // 12e
example data
Get token string contents.
HumdrumTokens inherit from std::string, so the text of the token
can be accessed in several ways:
(std::string)infile.token(3, 1); // "12e"
infile.token(3, 1).c_str(); // "12e"
example data
Get starting token in track/spine.
Get the first token in the second spine/track (second `**kern`
token on the first line):
example data
Note that this will return a pointer rather than a reference to the token.
Structural information
Total number of HumdrumLines in a HumdrumFile.
infile.getLineCount(); // 12
example data
Total number of token fields on a HumdrumLine.
infile[3].getTokenCount(); // 2
infile[3].getFieldCount(); // 2
example data
Get the track number for a token
infile[3].getTrack(1); // 2 = second track in file.
example data
The "1" is the field number for the second token on the 4th line,
which is in the second track of the file.
Get the sub-track number for a token.
infile[3].getSubtrack(1); // 0
In this case the spine has not split, so the sub-track assignment
is 0. If there were a spine split, then the sub-track count would
start at 1 for the first token on the line in a track, the next
token in the spine would be sub-track 2, and so on.
example data
Get the number of tokens which following next in track/spine.
Ask the starting token how many tokens precede/follow the starting
token in the second spine:
HumdrumToken* tok = infile.getTrackStart(2);
tok->getNextTokenCount(); // 1 token following in the spine
tok->getPreviousTokenCount(); // 0 tokens preceding in the spine
tok->getNextToken(); // returns pointer to `*M3/4`, using default value of 0 for argument.
tok->getPreviousToken(); // returns NULL
example data
The HumdrumToken::getNextTokenCount() function will return 0 for
the last token in a spine/track (which always must be the characters
`*-` (start-minus) which is the data terminator token.
Timing information
Token durations
To access the parsed duration of the token, use the
HumdrumToken::getDuration function. The return value of getDuration()
is a "HumNum" which is a rational number, or fraction, consisting
of an integer numerator and denominator. The HumNum::getFloat()
function will return the duration as a double:
infile.token(3, 1).getDuration(); // 1/3 for "12e"
infile.token(3, 1).getDuration().getFloat(); // 0.3333 for "12e"
example data
HumdrumLines also possess duration
infile[4].getDuration(); // 1/6 (1/6th of a quarter note)
infile[4].getDuration().getFloat(); // 0.166667
example data
HumdrumFiles also possess duration.
infile.getDuration(); // 3 (one measure of 3/4)
example data
Ticks per quarter note
When converting Humdrum files into MIDI, MuseData, MusicXML or
SKINI, the function
HumdrumFileBase::tpq (ticks per
quarter note) will return the minimum number of fractional time
units necessary to describe all rhythms in the file as integer durations.
infile.tpq(); // 6 = minimum time unit is a triplet 16th note
example data
In the case of the musical example further above, the smallest
duration is a triplet eighth note, but the minimum time unit between
both parts is a triplet sixteenth note when considering the
polyrhythmic interaction between the parts.
Token/line/score durations in ticks per quarter note.
Durations can be expressed in ticks by giving the tpq value as an
argument to the duration functions:
int tpq = infile.tpq(); // 6 ticks per quarter note
infile.token(3, 1).getDuration(tpq).toInteger(); // 2 ticks for a triplet 8th note
infile[3].getDuration(tpq).toInteger(); // 1 tick for a triplet 16th note
infile.getDuration(tpq).toInteger(); // 18 ticks for 3 quarter notes
example data